IE (Interaction Energy) in Life.

In physicsinteraction energy is the contribution to the total energy that is caused by an interaction between the objects being considered.

Lets see what is it’s importance in life.Dialogue

Sometimes when people feel alone ,sad or depressed  in life their energy level becomes low and they feel like contraction. At that instant if they interact with their best buddies ,talk to different people about something positive ,chat with Facebook friends to know ‘wassup’ in their life, watch some super hero movie  and involve in some creative stuff or help some one they feel like expansion.

U can try this…

Message all your Facebook friends and ask to message you any moments of their life which had given them ultimate fun, happy and LOL kind of feelings.

Tell them  you are going to document a story or movie about their movements.

Or take interview of your friends and ask about their peak movements of happiness,fun and WOW of their life.

Then you can see the magical remarkable change in you and your consciousness  even if you are not happy at present moment .Try this you can know the result if you do not believe this u can try this method whenever it is required for you.

Due to interaction among different people about highest energy moments your energy also increases.
When you acknowledge and feel other ‘WOW’ moments or positive energy moments it gets copied to your energy system directly or indirectly.

Why do not you feel the super charging effect of video.

If you don not want all these things u can simply meditate with a good music and guided instructions below.


Meditation steps for Interaction Energy

  1. Sit comfortably and loose each an every part and cells of your body. Make each cell of body filled with energy  as if your body is light as feather and you floating in air.
  2. Now move your mind out of your physical body  and start to interact with all your best buddies one by one from your childhood till now.
  3. Ask them all their best moments they have spent with you . Visualize how you enjoyed with each person you have met till now. Feel these moments.
  4. Then after finishing the conversation with each person say thank you for beautiful movements that i have spent with you.
  5. At the end collecting all information and feelings , come to your body feel the energy in you.
  6. Being aware of that energy slowly open your eyes and continue your wonderful life.

If you think u need to interact  with any buddy that you have seen in the meditation contact him as as soon as possible because universe always like speed.
Try this to experience the effect of interaction energy.

Leave a 10 seconds gap between each sentences wherever necessary.

Soon a digitized version of above instructions will be updated in YouTube and Vimeo to rock and roll your life.
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